Wednesday 20 January 2016

ISIS Cuts Fighters’ Salaries By 50%

World’s notorious terrorist group, the Islamic State (ISIS) – nominal government controlling sections of Syria and Iraq known also Daesh – may have been hit by financial crisis as the group had slashed the salaries of its fighters by half late last year, an internal government documents leaked from the group said.

According to the Congressional Research Service, soldiers earn between $400 and $1,200 a month (N160,000 and N312,000), plus a $50 (N13,000) stipend for their wives and $25 (N6,500) for each child before the pay cut.

CNN reports that the leaked documents were obtained and translated by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi, a research fellow at the Middle East Forum who studies ISIS.

The slash is believed to be as a result of the US-led anti-ISIS coalition bombing campaigns aimed at disrupting revenues from the nominal country’s oil business and the low price of oil.

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