Kabiru Umar, also known as Kabiru Sokoto, a member of Boko Haram, who was convicted in 2013 for terrorism activities has accused the Federal Government of frustrating his efforts to appeal his conviction and sentence.
Umar was on December 20, 2013 sentenced to life imprisonment by Justice Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court in Abuja for his role in the 2011 Christmas Day bomb blast at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Madalla, Niger State which left about 44 persons dead and 75 others wounded.
Umar, through his lawyer, Sheriff Okoh, told the Federal High Court, Abuja, that the Comptroller of Prisons and his men have made it impossible for him to access his lawyer, to enable him perfect his appeal process.
Kabiru Sokoto, who is currently serving a life imprisonment term at the Kirikiri Maximum Security Prison, Lagos, is through his application, seeking an order compelling the respondents, the Comptroller General of Prisons and the Attorney General of the Federation, to allow him access to his lawyer.
He also seeks a declaration that the respondents’ alleged decision to deny him access to his lawyer was a violation of his right to a fair hearing, right to counsel and access to justice.
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Umar was on December 20, 2013 sentenced to life imprisonment by Justice Adeniyi Ademola of the Federal High Court in Abuja for his role in the 2011 Christmas Day bomb blast at St. Theresa’s Catholic Church, Madalla, Niger State which left about 44 persons dead and 75 others wounded.
Umar, through his lawyer, Sheriff Okoh, told the Federal High Court, Abuja, that the Comptroller of Prisons and his men have made it impossible for him to access his lawyer, to enable him perfect his appeal process.
Kabiru Sokoto, who is currently serving a life imprisonment term at the Kirikiri Maximum Security Prison, Lagos, is through his application, seeking an order compelling the respondents, the Comptroller General of Prisons and the Attorney General of the Federation, to allow him access to his lawyer.
He also seeks a declaration that the respondents’ alleged decision to deny him access to his lawyer was a violation of his right to a fair hearing, right to counsel and access to justice.
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