Sunday, 27 December 2015

Everything You Do in Life Should be for the Glory of God

We live in a time of overlap between the ages. What one theologian called “the time between the times.” Because so many people are blind to God’s glory, we, as God’s people, are to live in such a way that people start to see God’s presence and beauty. But notice Paul’s examples. “Whether you eat or drink . . .” What could be more ordinary and humdrum than eating and drinking? And then Paul says, “or whatever you do.” Wow, so no matter what it is we do — everything — the most mundane, unimportant stuff in our life, should be “for the glory of God.”

So the question is, how do we glorify God with all of our lives, not just the overtly “spiritual” stuff? But with everything we do — all the way down to eating and drinking?

For some people, it’s an easy answer. If you’re a pastor or a “missionary” or a parent or an artist or you work for a faith-based nonprofit — somewhere you can openly talk about Jesus. Then it’s clear.

But what if you’re an executive assistant at an attorney’s office? Or a mechanic for your local Toyota dealership? Or an insurance broker? How do you glorify God with your life’s work?

Well, here’s my take: we’re the image of God, remember? Our job is to make the invisible God visible — to mirror and mimic what he is like to the world. We can glorify God by doing our work in such a way that we make the invisible God visible by what we do and how we do it.

How does a star “speak of the glory of God”? It’s an inanimate object. It makes no sound, much less language — how does it speak?

By being a star.

How does a tree speak of the glory of God?

By being a tree.

How does a lion speak?

By roaring loud.

How does a flower speak?

By unfolding its color every spring.

When we see the world in the shape that God intended, the way it’s supposed to be, God gets glory, without a word

Author: John Mark Come

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